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‘Compare to’ game




‘Compare to’ is both a book and an interactive game. The book, which served as an inspiration for the game, consists of a series of comparisons in form of collages made of photos taken from various sources, then combined to represent a new idea. This book can be compared to the ways we use to explain the world to ourselves and ourselves to the world. Comparison, the initiation of a creative process, can be seen as an instrument of mimesis, which is one of the principles we use to understand values that incline towards being artistic. By highlighting the instrument itself, we establish some kind of mimesis pattern, while the expression of the comparisons contains its own value and visual relief. All these elements represent a sort of a language, and the way that language is created is established through the process of comparing. It follows that everything is a comparison; everything imitates everything and that is how we create new things. Comparisons are the beginning of each creation - they require thinking and they relate to our personal way of understanding. All comparisons in this book are of open type. They are slightly tragic, comical, pretty, beautiful, and the same time, ugly explanations. This is a short book for long reading and the more we read, the more complex it becomes. Just as we become more complex beings who know, feel and compare more by the minute, so does the amount of comparison grow analogically. Contrary to logic, all comparisons in the book are very subjective and associative, arbitrary but intuitively correct, albeit sometimes opposing logic at the first glance. The book was presented in the form of an interactive game during which visitors had an opportunity to combine different collages guided by their intuition and sense of connection between photos with the text given. In this manner, the book evolved from the context where experiences were formed by reading and watching, to the context where readers immersed themselves into introspection, creating their own system of affection. The intent of this book/game was to try to answer the question whether or not we can feel an explanation/solution even before we can actually find its definition using only intuition, tools and experiences from our own lives.

