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Info-Flea Market

Online project


The Info-Flea Market is an informational blog where the GG members upload material gathered during the year. It consists of photographs, audio and video recordings as well as unconventional forms such as illustration, text and quotes, whose purpose, as a whole, is to represent the experience of Savamala to a wider audience.Among the collected material there is a lot of information gathered by the GG members which concerns not only Savamala as a whole, but also its little known details, historical facts, its residents and current events.The role of the Info-Flea Market is to make information about Savamala available to a bigger audience, while simultaneously having an interactive character. If someone is in possession of some useful material and thinks it should be represented on the Info-Flea Market blog, he/she can contact the City- Guerilla via e-mail or via the blog itself.http://infobuvljak.tumblr.com/
